Viewing articles tagged with 'New York'

CANADA 333 Broome St, New York, NY 10002

Tomorrow Tomorrow

Installation view, Tomorrow Tomorrow, 2017

Tomorrow Tomorrow, curated by Stephanie Snyder, the Anne and John Hauberg Curator and Director of the Cooley Gallery, and Wallace Whitney, is a group exhibition featuring Demian DinéYazhi’ and Noelle Sosaya, MK Guth, Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Kristan Kennedy, Evan La Londe, Charlie Perez-Tlatenchi, Michelle Ross, Storm Tharp, and Heather Watkins. These nine artists are preoccupied with physical abstraction, changeability, and working with materials to shape space with emotional purpose.

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Klein Sun Gallery, 525 W 22nd St, New York, NY 10011, USA

Ji Zhou: Real Illusion

Ji Zhou, Greenhouse 2, 2017, archival pigment print, 110 x 250 cm

Moving between imagined and inhabited geographies, the artist suggests that our grasp on the tangible world is a tendentious fiction. Review by Tausif Noor

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